We have listed here the questions most frequently asked by our customers. We have put together these frequently asked questions so that you can get to know our products better and buy one of our machine tools with complete peace of mind. If you do not find the answer to your question in this section, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you as soon as possible.
Themost frequently asked
The most frequently asked questions.
We have listed here the questions most frequently asked by our customers. We have put together these frequently asked questions so that you can get to know our products better and buy one of our machine tools with complete peace of mind. If you do not find the answer to your question in this section, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you as soon as possible.
What is the difference between "asynchronous motor/gearbox and brushless motor/drive"?
When making a choice when purchasing a machine tool, a lathe or a drilling and milling machine, there is the recurring dilemma of the advantages and disadvantages of the gearbox or the electronic variator.
All Weiss machines with variable spindle speed are equipped with brushless motors, which offer the triple advantage of reliability, quiet operation and high torque delivery. This is why we are promoting this modern, reliable and proven technology.
However, respecting the various points of view of the current manufacturers, according to their training, their experience, the use that they will make of their future machine, we decided to propose some machines equipped with purely mechanical transmission, i.e. gearbox; the main motor is in this case of the "asynchronous" type with starting capacitors and phase shift to allow the supply of the machine in 230V single-phase The advantage of a gearbox is undoubtedly the high torque at very low speeds, but it has the disadvantage of a high noise level during operation and the need for regular maintenance (draining, cleaning).
What are the standards for Weiss lathes chuck mounting on spindles ?
This question is, without context, one of the most regularly asked to our technical service. We invite you to download the file below to know all the standards.
Choice of tools: HSS or Tungsten Carbide?
You have just acquired your new machine, lathe or milling machine, but you still need to make the most of it by using the right cutting tools with the right parameters!
Definition of cutting parameters
The first thing to remember before starting work is that machining is a profession in its own right, so there is no room for improvisation!
If you are a beginner, you should start by learning the trade through training or by consulting a professional and perfect your experience with hours of machining before claiming to "tickle the hundredth"!